Song Spotlight

It Ain’t So Easy

It Ain’t So Easy (Excerpt)

…It didn’t used to be so hard…

At some point in life, it’s just not easy to keep on going. Life has become bittersweet… The day-to-day grind… It used to be a breeze, hanging out with Jackie (Jack T), partying…
So hard now… It Ain’t So Easy …to lose someone you love.

This song features a squawking lead guitar, Tim galloping on the drums, and Henry’s P-bass, which Greg claims ‘plays itself’. He may be right…

It ain’t so easy – to get up out of bed
It ain’t so easy – to make my way ahead
It ain’t so easy – to deal with all this lip
It ain’t so easy – to be on this trip

It ain’t so easy – to die upon the vine
It ain’t so easy – what happened to the time
It ain’t so easy – to deal with all this s’it
It ain’t so easy – hey Joe, give me a hit

It didn’t used to be this hard, hang out with Jackie in the yard
Reading Playboy, sitting in a box
Going to parties with the boys, smoking, drinking, getting floored
Messing with the girls and being cool

It ain’t so easy – to put a smile on my face
It ain’t so easy – to love the human race
It ain’t so easy – to trust in God above
It ain’t so easy – to lose someone you Love

Lyrics: (c) 2012 Mahlon Balderston